Welcome to your
AVC Financial Wellness Program

A message from AVC leadership
Joycelyn David, CEO
AV Communications
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A message from PANGEA leadership
“We are thrilled to partner with AVC to deliver this robust financial wellness program to members of the AVC family.
At PANGEA we celebrate the rich diversity of cultures reflected in the faces of our clients and team of professionals. I believe this values alignment with AVC activates a powerful partnership for us to be the change we wish to see in the world.
We consider it an honour to join with Joycelyn and her team to do what we do best; Help global families flourish for generations.”
- Declan Winston Ramsaran, Managing Director, PANGEA Private Wealth
About the AVC Financial Wellness Program
From the 3 options below,
Select your financial wellness program
AVC Employees
The AVC Employee Program is designed for employees looking to simplify their financial lives.
AVC Contractors
The AVC Independent Contractor Program includes tax and financing solutions that best serve incorporated individuals.
AVC Alumni
The AVC Alumni Program was created at the special request of AVC leadership to provide financial wellness services to former AVC staff.
Mortgage & financing planning
At PANGEA we have access to over 40 lenders, including the big banks, to find the mortgage that’s right for you.
When you buy a home, you may only be able to pay for part of the purchase price. The amount you pay is a down payment. To cover the remaining costs of the home purchase, you may need help from a lender. The loan you get from a lender to help pay for your home is a mortgage.
Contact us to learn more.
Investment & real estate planning
Should you pay down your mortgage or invest? Should you invest in the stock market or buy a rental property?
There are many reasons why you might choose either to pay your mortgage early or invest more. Some of our clients prefer real estate while others see the benefits of equity market investments. We understand that life isn't just about cold, hard numbers.
Let’s talk about your options.
Insurance & risk management planning
Insurance planning is used to protect yourself, your family and loved ones, your home, your assets, or your business against unexpected events.
Insurance is a contract, called a policy, between you and an insurance provider, under which you can be compensated for certain losses. The insurance company agrees to pay you a certain amount of money if the event you are insured against happens during the term of the policy.
At PANGEA we analyze your risk to determine how to best protect you.
Personal financial planning
Canadians who engage in comprehensive financial planning report significantly higher levels of financial and emotional well-being than those who do no planning or limited planning.
Those with comprehensive plans feel their financial goals and retirement plans are more on track; their ability to save has improved in the past five years; and they are more confident they can handle the inevitable bumps in life. - FP Canada
PANGEA Certified Financial Planners are ready to help you. Contact us to learn more.
Retirement planning
It's tough to predict the future. It’s even tougher to plan for it. If you’re like many Canadians, you prefer the comfort of certainty over the anxiety of unpredictability.
In pre-retirement planning, the investor needs to decide three things: how much to invest, asset location and asset allocation. In post-retirement planning, we have to talk about how much to withdraw, asset allocation, when to draw down a pension if applicable, when to begin CPP & OAS benefits, drawdowns from taxable versus tax deferred accounts, and planning for use of your estate after you are gone.
At PANGEA we recommend retirement planning start at least 10 years prior to retirement.
Business succession planning
The operational demands of running a family business or other closely held enterprise can be all-consuming, but it’s vital that business leaders take the time needed to assess their organization’s business succession planning.
For private, owner-managed, or family-owned businesses, a solid succession plan can drive the growth of the business, reduce taxes, and set the stage for retirement. Family-run businesses may benefit further by focusing on preserving harmony within the family.
Let’s talk about your business succession plan.